The Role of PR in Content Marketing

With a mission to tell a good story, many roles are involved in what has been dubbed “content marketing.” This catch-all term encompasses many strategies for getting your company’s stories out to the world and driving ROI to impact the bottom line. Many marketers have carved a niche for themselves under this approach, but PR plays a crucial role in achieving these results, going hand-in-hand with content.

If you’re a marketer looking to level up your content marketing, or heck, even just get one off the ground, engaging a PR partner might just be the support you need. For many reasons we won’t get into today, PR can’t operate siloed from marketing. And for your content marketing strategy to really flourish, it can’t be siloed from PR.

How PR Elevates Your Stories

PR is already telling great stories. Storycrafting, then storytelling, is our game. All. Day. Long. We’re already known for making a concept viable for press, resulting in coverage that gives you extended audience reach while validating you from a third-party.

We know:

  • How to identify unique angles of your story that make you stand out
  • What is most interesting to your audience
  • How to take an idea that triggers, “heard that before,” and give it a new twist

We don’t live in the internal messaging bubble, either. In working with the press, we are challenged each and every time on what is claimed and how to back it up. This gives us incredible insight into how to differentiate an idea based on a deep understanding on the level of education already present in the market. Believe us, no one is harder to wow than a journalist. This sets a new bar for the content you deliver.

Content and PR: A Winning Partnership

A strong content marketing plan leverages many types of internal and external influencers on the company’s behalf. For case study development, media interviews, panel proposals and more, the PR team is already accessing and telling the stories from both the executive/spokesperson perspective, as well as customers, clients, partners and more.

PR needs content marketing, too. The expectation that the surge of visibility from a press hit will last long-term is not realistic. How you promote that press mention and repurpose its content to maximize its value is how you make that story live on past its post date.

All of the above is what led us to develop a content-based PR campaign approach, whether a client utilizes us for both services or takes them a la carte. Aligning with a long-term content strategy built around a handful of target audiences and key concepts keeps everything working in harmony. It keeps media relations’ efforts from being a flash in the pan, allowing for “newsjacking” and strategic storytelling to create one solid campaign approach.

Content marketing and PR go hand-in-hand to tell your brand’s story in a way that resonates and delivers real results. If you’re ready to align your content strategy with expert PR support, we’d love to help. Reach out to us today to start crafting your next successful campaign!